Protein packed smoothie










Bananas are a valuable source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and potassium

potassium vitamin B6 ,vitamin C

Mango has vitamin E this reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular illness, also is rich in magnesium, calcium and carotene, which is very good for the skin and vision.

This smoothie is easy to make and is also great tasting.

The ingredients are easy to find and not to expensive (recipe serves 2 people)

  • 10 Large strawberries, 100kcal
  • 1  Ripe Mango, 70kcal
  • 3/4 Cup Ice
  • 1/2 Cup plain Yoghurt ,90kcal
  • 2 Tables Spoons honey, 120Kcal
  • 150 ml milk (normal or soya), 78kcal


  1. First rinse all fruit, then cut strawberries in half and place into bowl. Take mango out of skin either peal skin off fruit or slice in half and then cut into 3cm diced cubes.
  2. Place ice then strawberries & mango into blender , add yoghurt, honey and milk.
  3. Blend until smooth
  4. Place into glass and serve

Its best to consume the smoothie within 10 minutes otherwise the mixture of ingredients will absorb one another.

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